When Mom and Dad are busy, there's no better place to be!
Upper Burrell 724-681-9002 Apollo 724-478-1345 Export (724) 325-1447

Recipe for Success
Early Learners
Educational opportunities abound as your preschool-aged child enters our Early Learners room! Our curriculum-based schedule helps children develop fundamental skills for kindergarten through a variety of activities centered around a weekly theme. We also work to further fine and gross motor skills, good behavior and manners, and appropriate social and emotional interactions with both peers and adults.
Activity Time will include
Weekly themes
Writing numbers, letters, and shapes
Telling time
Days of the week
Identifying and counting money
Circle time
Nursery rhymes
Color and shape identification
Story time
Sharing and discussion, increasing social and emotional skills
Practicing good behavior and manners
Arts and crafts projects
Fine motor development through cutting with scissors, gluing, building blocks and legos, play-dough, coloring, painting, tracing, drawing, and writing
Physical activity/large motor development activities through outdoor and gym play, dancing, and games
Preparation for Kindergarten
Early learners take regular restroom breaks, and we encourage them to use the “big potties” in the restroom and at least try to potty while we are there. We will still take any child to the restroom as needed throughout the day in addition to our regularly scheduled breaks. We understand that all children potty train at their own speed, and your child does not have to be potty trained in order to move up to the Early Learners room. We are happy to continue potty training in the Early Learners room, so feel free to let us know what techniques you would like us to use here.